A selection of the papers presented in the main conference and in the pre-conference workshops (PhD and practitioners) is published in the year following the conference. The annual volumes comprising the conference proceedings are published by Accent Publisher, Cluj-Napoca. The volumes are then sent for indexing to Clarivate Analytics. The conference proceedings of the 2017 conference are already published and indexed. The volume from 2018 is already published and indexing is currently pending.
The volumes include a variety of topics connected to public administration. Some of them are similar in quality and format to journal articles while other include literature reviews, evaluation studies, as well as work in progress. We encourage PhD students and practitioners to publish the results of their research even if they are in some cases slightly different in format from academic articles/researches.
The proceedings for past conferences:
2022 (8MB)
2019 (9MB)
2018 (48MB)
2017 (10MB)