Book launch: RENEUAL Code of Administrative Procedure (Romanian version)
Key speakers: Paul Craig, University of Oxford, Herwig C. H. Hofmann, University of Luxembourg, Jacques Ziller, University of Pavia, Diana-Urania Galetta, University of Milan, Giacinto della Cananea, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Guest lecture by Roberto Caranta, University of Turin, Italy
University of Birmingham, Law School, 5-6 July 2015, Annual conference of the Public Procurement Law Group
Sustainable Public Procurement: New Perspectives on the State as a Stakeholder, 1 December 2014, University of Oslo, Department of Private Law
European Group of Public Administration conference 10 – 12 September 2014, Speyer, Germany
The EGPA Conference is open to academics, young researchers and practitioners. Dacian C. Dragos will be chairing the Panel Law and Public Administration. The Center will be represented also by Bogdana Neamtu, at the same panel. The call for papers for Group X is available here
European Public Procurement Group, annual conference 2014, July 2-4, Munich
As a partner of the EPLS Network, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München hosted the 5th EPLS conference in Munich. Dacian Dragos and Bogdana Neamtu represented the Center to this conference.
Trans European Dialogue
Bogdana Neamtu has co-organized the 7th TED conference, 6-8 February, Cluj Napoca
TED7, similar to the previous conferences, strives to offer a platform for exchanging ideas, opinion and experiences on key issues of Public Administration. TED7 focuses dialogue on the processes and practices of developing a stronger relationship between local governments and communities/citizens between experts from various European countries. It is also an excellent opportunity for various EGPA and NISPAcee study groups to focus on the topics described above to intensify the exchange of views.
Conference : Procurement Week 2014, Cardiff
Procurement Week is an annual event staged by the Institute for Competition and Procurement Studies (ICPS) Bangor University, Wales in order to disseminate knowledge about the latest procurement innovation strategies, procurement law and procurement policies from around the world. Dacian C. Dragos will be speaker at this conference, discussing the Sub-dimensional Procurement. See the full program here
The ASPA annual conference New Orleans 2013 Governance & Sustainability: Local Concerns, Global Challenges
The capacity to responsibly sustain our global community has long term environmental, economic, social, and governance implications. The 2013 ASPA Annual Conference addressed the myriad issues associated with the responsible management and stewardship of our diverse, yet interrelated resources. The management of these resources is a complex social challenge involving consideration of leadership, ethics, economics, planning, social equity, collaboration, and technology, amongst other issues. This conference considered whether we have reached or exceeded the limits of our democratic state, the governance implications of these challenges, and the effects of these issues in public management and public policy.
The 2013 ASPA conference, based on its cooperation with NISPAcee, hosted a panel on Transparency and sustainable governance in CEE countries. The convener, Dacian C. Dragos, has chaired the panel composed of Bogdana Neamtu (RO), Andras Patyi (HU), Patricija Suwaj (PL) and Polonca Kovac (SLO).
Conference: Regulating the State’s Business: Public Procurement, Concessions and Public Private Partnerships, 12 & 13 March 2013 at Club of the University Foundation, Brussels
The conference featured top experts in the field: Christopher Bovis, Nico Spiegel, Martin Burgi, Christian Koenig. Dacian C. Dragos was speaker at the conference and at the workshop
International Workshop ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW , 11-12 October 2012, Cluj Napoca, Romania
The workshop aimed at examining the role, the general framework and the empirical effectiveness of the main alternative dispute resolution tools (administrative appeals, mediation, and ombudsman) in administrative matters, within the broader context of the administrative justice system. The meeting combined approaches from law, public administration, public policy and political science, in order to assess the importance of different instruments for alternative dispute resolution, with an accent on administrative appeals.
The Reform of EU Directives on Public Procurement: Towards More Flexibility
Thursday 27 September 2012, at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, 22 Tudor Street, London
Michael Bowsher QC, Monckton Chambers
Professor Dr iur Martin Burgi, University of Bochum/Munich, Germany
Professor Roberto Caranta, Turin University, Italy
Professor Mario Comba, University of Turin
Professor Dacian Dragos, Babes Bolyai University, Romania
Dr Duncan Fairgrieve, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Professor Daniel I. Gordon, The George Washington University Law School
Jane Jenkins, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
Professor François Lichère, University of Aix-Marseille, France
Professor Gabriella Racca, University of Turin, Italy
Nico Spiegel, DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission
Professor Steen Treumer, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Professor Martin Trybus, University of Birmingham
This event evaluated the proposed reform of the EU Directives on Public Procurement, currently under discussion following proposals by the European Commission. Topics included:
- Overview of reform of EU directives on public procurement by EU Commission speaker
- Contracts covered by the Directive and the in house exception
- Flexibility and dialogue in the award procedures
- Strategic use of public procurement to empower SMEs and achieve green and social objectives
- External view on reform of EU directives by leading US commentator
For details, click here:
Workshop on the Application of Aarhus Convention in Europe, Turin, July 16th 2012
Dacian Dragoș and Bogdana Neamtu were invited to discuss the legal implications of the Aarhus Convention in Europe, in the framework of a larger project on The Making of a New European Legal Culture: Prevalence of a Single Model or cross-fertilization of national legal traditions? For details, click here: Workshop Aaruhs Convention 16_07_2012
Conference on the allocation of limited rights, Leiden 2012
Between 19th and 20th of January 2012, Dacian Dragoș has chaired the panel on Transparency and allocation systems at the International Conference on allocation of limited rights, hosted by the Faculty of Law, University of Leiden. Bogdana Neamtu has attended the CO2 emissions panel.
European Public Procurement Series Network, annual conference.
As a partner of the EPLG network, Babes-Bolyai University, Public Administration Department hosted the third EPLS conference in Cluj, between the 15th and 18th of September 2011. The topic was “Procurement outside European Directives”. The book coming out as a result of the conference was published by DJOEF Copenhagen in 2012: click here
The Trans European Dialogue Vienna 2011
In 2011, the Group “Law and Public Administration” organized in Vienna, between 9-13 February, the 4th Trans European Dialogue (TED) involving the two key professional organizations of public administration in Europe – EGPA and NISPAcee. The dialogue tackled a topic neglected for a long time: Law vs. Public Management Revisited, bringing together managers and lawyers to discuss issues of common interest.
The organizers of the conference were Philip Langbroek (Utrecht University), Dacian C. Dragos, (Babes Bolyai University), Polona Kovac (Ljubljana University) and Marton Gellen (Budapest University).
The conference featured well-known speakers from among public management and public law fields, including Prof. Jean Bernard Auby (Sciences Po, Paris), Alex Brenninkmeijer (The Dutch National Ombudsman), Geert Bouckaert (Leuven Catholic University), Roberto Caranta (Turin University).
For more details, see: TED 4
As a result of the conference, the NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Public Policy dedicated a special issue to the topic of the Dialogue: The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy Vol. IV, No. 2, Winter 2011/2012, Special Issue: Law and Public Management Revisited. Editors: Dacian Dragos, Marton Gellen, Polonca Kovac, Philip M. Langbroek