
Edited books:

Dacian C. Dragos, Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma (eds), The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law, Palgrave Macmillan 2020

Dacian C. Dragos, Polonca Kovač, Albert T. Marseille (eds), The Laws of Transparency in Action – A European Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan 2019

D.C. Dragos, B. Neamtu (eds), Alternative Dispute Resolution in European Administrative Law, Springer 2014, 607 pages, Table of contents

Dacian Dragos & Roberto Caranta (eds.) Outside the EU Procurement Directives, inside the Treaty? European Procurement Law Series, Vol 4, DJOEF Copenhagen, 2012

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Roger Hamlin (eds), Law in action: Case Studies in Good Governance, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, 2011 Table of contents

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu (eds), Institutia Ombudsmanului: Justitie Alternativa? C. H. Beck, Bucharest, 2011 Table of contents

Jacques Ziller, Hervig Hofman, Peter Schneider, Dacian Dragos (eds) Codul RENEUAL de procedura administrativa al UE, Universul Juridic 2016

NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy

Dacian Dragos, Marton Gellen, Polonca Kovac, Philip M. Langbroek (eds), The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy Vol. IV, No. 2, Winter 2011/2012, Special Issue: Law and Public Management Revisited

Brian Thompson, Dacian C. Dragos and Bogdana Neamtu (guest editors), Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences: Special Issue Law and Public Administration. Table of contents

Utrecht University School of Law Logo

Dacian C. Dragos, François Lafarge, Paulien Willemsen (guest eds), Editorial – The Theory and Practice of Law in Public Administration and Administrative Justice, Volume 9, Issue 3, July 2013 Special Issue on the Theory and Practice of Law in Public Administration and Administrative Justice

Chapters in books:

Dacian Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Life-cycle thinking in EU public procurement: Moving beyond a simple ‘buzz word’, in Annalisa Castelli, Gustavo Piga, Stéphane Saussier, Tünde Tátrai (eds), The Challenges of Public Procurement Reforms, Routledge, 2020

Dacian C. Dragos, Cosmina Chirila –  A Tale of Europeanization: Romanian Administrative Law and its Deference to the ECtHR Pan-European General Principles of Good Administration, in Ulrich Stelkens and Agnė Andrijauskaitė (eds), Good Administration and Council of Europe: Law, Principles and Effectiveness, Oxford University Press, forthcoming end of 2020.

Roxana Vornicu and Dacian Dragos, Concessions and PPP in Romania, in Piotr Bogdanowicz, Roberto Caranta, Pedro Telles (eds), Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU, Edward Elgar 2020

Dacian C. Dragos, Administrative appeals – a theoretical framework, in European Central Bank/Eurosystem, Building Bridges: Central Banking Law in an Interconnected World, ECB Legal Conference 2019, ECB Publication office.

Bianca Racolța, Dacian C. Dragos, State Aid and Procurement for Research, Development and Innovation, in Gabriella M. Racca, Christopher R. Yukins (eds), Joint Public Procurement and Innovation. Lessons across borders. Bruylant 2019 pp.291-313.

Dacian C. Dragos, Roxana VORNICU, Tendencies and Developments in Romanian Administrative Law, in Jean-Bernard Auby (ed) LE FUTUR DU DROIT ADMINISTRATIF / THE FUTURE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, Lexis Nexis 2019, pp. 151-158

Raluca Suciu, Dacian C. Dragoș, LCC criteria for procurement of ITC goods and services. The need for a flexible approach, in Marta Andhov, Roberto Caranta, Anja Wiesbrock (eds), Cost and EU Public Procurement Law. Life-Cycle Costing for Sustainability, Routledge 2019, pp11-123.

Bogdana Neamtu and Dacian C. Dragos, Transparency in Public Procurement in Romania: Formal Compliance, Obscure Hidden Agendas in K-M Halonen, R Caranta, A Sanchez-Graells, Transparency in EU Procurements Disclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract Execution, Edward Elgar Publishing 2019, 241-272

Dacian C. Dragos and Bogdana Neamtu, Transposition of the EU Procurement Directives in Romania: complex issues of implementation and control, in Steen Treumer, Mario Comba, (eds), Modernising Public Procurement – The Approach of EU Member States, European Procurement Law series, Edward Elgar, 2018, pp.173-201

Dacian C. Dragos (et al.) Law and Public Administration and the Quest for Reconciliation, in Ongaro, Edoardo (Ed.) Public Administration in Europe. The Contribution of EGPA, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 213-222

Dacian C. Dragos, Demis M. Sparios: “Oversight and Litigation of Public Contracts in Romanian Administrative Law” in Laurence Folliot-Lalliot, Simone Toricelli (eds), Contrôles et contentieux des contrats publics – Oversight and Challenges of Public Contracts, Bruylant – Larcier Group, 2018.

Dacian C. Dragos and Philip M. Langbroek, Law and Public Administration: A Love-Hate Relationship? In E. Ongaro and S. Van Thiel (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe, 2018, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-55269-3_54, pp.1067-1085

Bogdana Neamtu & Dacian C. Dragos, Mimicking Environmental Transparency. The Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Romania, and Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention: the Comparative View, in Roberto Caranta, Anna Gerbrandy, Bilun Müller (eds), The Making of a New European Legal Culture: The Aarhus Convention. At the Crossroad of Comparative Law and EU Law, Europa Law Publishing, 2018, pp.205-239

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Advancing Transparency in the European Union: The Role of the European Ombudsman, in Herwig C.H. Hofmann, Jacques Ziller  (eds), Accountability in the EU: The Role of the European Ombudsman,  Edward Elgar 2017.

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Qualification, selection and exclusion of economic operators in public procurement procedures – The case of Romania, in Martin Burgi, Martin Trybus, Steen Treumer (eds), Qualification, Selection and Exclusion in EU Procurement (European Procurement Law Series), Djoef Publishing Copenhagen (2016)

Dacian C. Dragos, Subdimensional public procurement in the EU, in Christopher Bovis (ed), Research Handbook of EU Public Procurement Law, Edward Elgar 2016.

Oana Voda, Innovative and sustainable procurement: Framework, Constraints and Policies”, in Christopher Bovis (ed), Research European Handbook on Procurement, Edward Elgar, 2016

Dacian C. Dragos, Administrative appeal, and Dacian C. Dragos, Administrative procedure, in A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Raluca Suciu, The Allocation of Gambling Licences, Radio Frequencies, and CO2 Emission Permits in Romania, pp.203-241, in P. Adriaanse, F. van Ommeren, W. den Ouden and J. Wolswinkel (eds.), Scarcity and the State II. Member State Reports on Gambling Licences, Radio Frequencies and CO2 Emission Permits, Intersentia, Antwerp 2016

Dacian C. Dragos, Sanctions mechanisms of the World Bank on the matter of international corruption, in M. Audit, S. Knill, Transnational law of public contracts, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2016.

Philip M. Langbroek, Dacian C. Dragos, Recht en Openbaar Bestuur; Rechtsgeleerdheid en Bestuurskunde: haat-liefde verhoudingen? in: Rolf Ortlep, Frank Groothuijse, Jeroen Kiewiet, Remco Nehmelman (red.), De rechter onder vuur, Wolf Legal Publishers, p. 251-274.


Dacian C. Dragos and Bogdana Neamtu, Life cycle costing for sustainable public procurement in the European Union, in Beate Sjåfjell, Anja Wiesbrock (eds), Sustainable Public Procurement under EU Law
New Perspectives on the State as Stakeholder, Cambridge University Press, 2015

Modernising public procurement

 Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Sustainable Public Procurement in the EU: Experiences and Prospects, in F. Lichere, R. Caranta, S. Treumer (eds), Modernising Public Procurement: the New Directive, DJOEF Publishing, Copenhagen, 2014


Bogdana NEAMTU and Dacian C. DRAGOS, Fighting corruption in public procurement: the case of Romania, in G. Racca & C. Yukins (eds), Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts, Brussels, Bruylant, 2014

Bogdana Neamtu and Dacian C. Dragos, Fighting Corruption in Central and Eastern European Countries through Transparency: Regulatory and Institutional Challenges, in Yahong Zhang, Cecilia Lavena (eds), Government Anti-Corruption Strategies: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2015


Cristina Haruţa and Dacian Dragoş, Autonomy: Institutional Scope to Innovate, in Daniela Piana, Philip Langbroek, Tomas Berkmanas, Ole Hammerslev, Otilia Pacurari (Editors), Legal Education and Judicial Training in Europe, Eleven International Publishing (2013), pp. 79-83

coperta decizion making

Bianca Radu, Decision-Making in Romanian Local Public Administration from the Perspectives of Public Policy Theories, and Haruta, C., Radu, B. and Dragos, D., Citizen Participation and Policy-Making in Romania, in Hintea, C.E and Radu, B. (editors) Decision Making in Romanian Public Institutions at Local and County Level. An Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Accent, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, pp. 57-83



D. C. Dragos, B. Neamtu, R. Suciu, The theory and practice of award criteria in the Romanian procurement law, in M. Comba, S. Treumer (eds), Award of contracts in EU procurement, European Procurement Law Series, Vol. 5, DJOEF, 2013 


D.  C. Dragos, B.  Neamtu & R.  Veliscu, Public Procurement outside EU Directives in Romania: is Voluntary Compliance Leading to Effectiveness,  & D. C. Dragos  B.  Neamtu & R.  Veliscu,  Remedies available for Procurement outside the Directives – a Comparative Assessment, in D. Dragos, R. Caranta (eds.)  Outside the EU Procurement Directives, inside the Treaty? European Procurement Law Series, Vol 4, DJOEF Copenhagen, 2012

D. C. Dragos, B. Neamtu, R. Veliscu, Remedies in public procurement in Romania, in Steen Treumer, Francois Lichere (Eds), Enforcement of the EU Public Procurement Rules, European Procurement Law Series, Vol. 3, DJOEF Copenhagen, 2011

D. C. Dragos, B. Neamtu, R. Veliscu, Secondary considerations in public procurement in Romania, in Roberto Caranta & Martin Trybus (eds.), The Law of Green and Social Procurement in Europe, European Procurement Law Series, Vol. 2, DJOEF Copenhagen, 2010

law of the future

D. Dragos, Openness and Transparency in Central and Eastern Europe: Building Sustainable Governance? in S. Muller, S. Zouridis, Morly Frishman and Laura Kistemaker (eds), The Law of the Future and the Future of Law, vol. II, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, The Hague, 2012

D.C. Dragos, B. Neamtu, R. Veliscu, Romanian Administrative Law between Tradition and Dialogue, in Roberto Caranta, Anna Gerbrandy (eds), Tradition and Change in European Administrative Law, Europa Law Publishing, Groeningen, 2011, Table of contents

D. C. Dragos, B. Neamtu, The implementation of Service Directive in Romania, in Ulrich Stelkens, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, (Eds.), The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies, TMC Asser Press – Springer, 2012,  665 p.

D. C. Dragos, National Legal Tradition – Romania, in Susana Galera (ed), Judicial review: an analysis inside the European Legal System,Council of Europe Publishing, 2010.


Bianca Radu (Cobarzan), Special Advisors to the Minister in Romania: Carriers of Political and Administrative Roles, in B. Connaughton, G Sootla, B. G Peters (eds), Politico- Administrative relations at the Centre – Actors, structures and Processes supporting the Core Executive, NISPAcee Press, 2008

Articles in journals:


Laura Hossu, Dacian Dragos, Decentralization of the Ombudsman Institution in Romania: How Effective is it?, Romanian Journal of European Affairs, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2013

D. Dragos, B. Neamtu, Effectiveness of Administrative Appeals – Empirical Evidence from Romanian Local Administration, Lex Localis, Vol 11, No 1 (2013), 71-85


D. Dragos, B. Neamtu, LCC in the new directive proposal, European Public Procurement and PPP Law Review, Lexxion, Germany (EPPPLR), Special issue Sustainable public procurement, 1/2013


Ann Johnson, Bianca Radu, The Effect of EU Anti-Corruption Measures on the Romanian Judiciary, International Journal for Court Administration, Vol 5, No 1 (2013)

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, and Bianca V. Cobârzan,  Procedural transparency in rural Romania: linking implementation with administrative capacity?  International Review of Administrative Sciences 2012; 78 pp. 134-157

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Europeanisation of Administrative Law in Romania: Current Developments in Jurisprudence and Legislation, Review of European Administrative Law; vol. 2, nr. 1, 87-98, Europa Law Publishing ©2009

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Re-using Public Sector Information – Policy choices and Experiences in some of the Member States with an Emphasis on the Case of RomaniaEuropean Integration Online Papers, vol. 13, 2009

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Reforming local public administration in Romania: trends and obstacles”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 40, December 2007 (English, French, Spanish and Chinese) pp.629-648

Books in Romanian:


Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu (eds), Institutia Ombudsmanului: Justitie Alternativa? C. H. Beck, Bucharest, 2011, Table of contents

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Bogdana Neamtu, Dezvoltarea durabila. Provocari ale dispersiei urbane, (Sustainable development: challenges of urban sprawl), C. H. Beck 2012


Dacian C. Dragoș, Legea contenciosului administrativ, (Law on judicial review commented), Ediția a II-a, C. H Beck 2009 


Dacian C. Dragoș, Uniunea Europeana. Instituții. Mecanisme, (European Union: institutions and mechanisms), Ediția a III-a, C.H. Beck 2007 


Dacian C. Dragoș, Raluca Velișcu, Introducere în politica de mediu a Uniunii Europene, (Introduction to the Environmental Policy of the EU), Accent, 2003


Dacian C. Dragoș, Drept administrativ, (Administrative Law), Accent 2005

Demis-M. Sparios, Administrative Liability of EU Funding Recipients for Breach of Procurement Rules. Emphasis on the Cases of Romania and Italy, Editura Universitară, 2020

Book reviews:

Dacian C. Dragos, Book review: Michael Steinicke and Peter L. Vesterdorf (Eds.), EU Public Procurement Law. Munich/Oxford/Baden-Baden: C.H. Beck/Hart/Nomos, 2018. 1632 pages, in COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW, Vol. 56 No. 5 October 2019

Dacian C. Dragos, Book review: Paul Craig, Herwig C.H. Hoffman, Jens-Peter Schneider and Jacques Ziller (Eds.), ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. 336 pages, in COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW, October 2019

Dacian C. Dragos, Book review: Luke R.A. Butler, Transatlantic Defence Procurement. EU and US Defence Procurement in the Transatlantic Defence Market. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 268 pages; COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW, Vol. 55 No. 1 February 2018

Recent articles:

Oana Voda, The Remondis case – adding to the chronicle of public-public cooperation during the last two decades in a nutshell, Lexology, June 2020

Oana Voda, Brief consideration on the implications the White Paper has on public procurement in the EU” – Lexology, June 2020

Laura Farca, Dacian C. Dragos, Principiul transparentei in dreptul achizițiilor publice, Dreptul 9/2018

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Freedom of Information in the EU in the midst of Legal Rules, Jurisprudence and Ombudsprudence: the European Ombudsman as Developer of Norms of Good Administration, European Constitutional Law Review, Volume 13, Issue 4, 2017

Dacian C. Dragos, Bianca Racolța, Comparing Legal Instruments for R&D&I: State Aid and Public Procurement, EPPPLR 4/2017

Ioan Baciu, Dacian C. Dragos, Horizontal In-House Transactions vs. Vertical In-House Transactions and Public-Public Cooperation – Annotation of the Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 8 May 2014 in Case C-15/13, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg and Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH v Datenlotsen Informationssysteme GmbH, EPPPLR, Volume 10 (2015), Issue 4

Dacian C. Dragos and Roxana Vornicu, Public Procurement below Thresholds in the European Union –  EU Law Principles and National Responses, in European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 3/2015, pp. 187-207

Bogdana Neamtu, Dacian C. Dragos, Sustainable Public Procurement: the Use of Eco Labels, in European Procurement and PPP Law Review, 2/2015

Demis Marius Sparios, Dacian C. Dragos, Discutii privind calea de atac a apelului in contenciosul administrativ, Dreptul nr. 9/2015

Cosmina Codrescu, Dacian C. Dragos, Accesul la justitie in probleme de mediu – repere comparative, in Revista Romana de Drept European, 1/2015

Ioana Toadere, Dacian C. Dragos, Codificarea Procedurii Administrative in Romania, in Context European, Curierul Judiciar, 2016

Roberto Caranta e Dacian C. Dragos, La mini-rivoluzione del diritto europeo dei contratti pubblici, Urbanistica e appalti, 5/2014

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, LCC in the new directive proposal, in European Public Procurement and PPP Law Review, Lexxion, Germany, special issue Sustainable public procurement, 2013

Dacian C. Dragos, Roxana VORNICU, Regimul aplicabil contractelor de achiziţii publice ce nu intra sub incidenţa directivelor Uniunii Europene. O perspectiva comparată, RRDE 3/2015

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, Effectiveness of administrative appeal – empirical evidence from Romanian local administration, Lex Localis, vol. 1 nr.1/2013, ISI indexed

Bogdana Neamțu, Dacian C. Dragos, Căpraru, L., Public Participation In Environmental Decision Making in Romania, International Public Administration Review, vol. XII, no. 2-3, June 2014, pp. 63-78

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu and Bianca Cobarzan, Procedural Transparency in Local Administration: Linking Implementation with Administrative Capacity?, International Review of Administrative Sciences, March 2012 vol. 78 no. 1 134-157.

Dacian C. Dragos, B. Neamtu, “Re-using Public Sector Information – Policy choices and Experiences in some of the Member States with an Emphasis on the Case of Romania”, with Bogdana Neamtu, in the “European Integration Online Papers”, vol. 13, 2009. Thomson Scientific (former ISI) indexed.

Dacian C. Dragos, B. Neamtu , “Europeanisation of Administrative Law in Romania: Current Developments in Jurisprudence and Legislation”, with Bogdana Neamtu, in “Review of European Administrative Law”, no. 1/2009, Europa Law Publishing.

Dacian C. Dragos, Mariusz SWORA, Andrzej SKOCZYLAS, ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS IN ROMANIA AND POLAND – A TOPICAL COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, No. 37 E/2012, pp. 38-54

Dacian C. Dragos, Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the field of public procurement: between effectiveness and constitutionality, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, No. 34 E/2011, pp. 98-113

Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu, “Reforming local public administration in Romania: trends and obstacles”, “International Review of Administrative Sciences”, December 2007 vol. 73 no. 4 629-648

Oana Voda, Self-cleaning: a way for companies to regain their right to participate in public tenders, Lexology 2019

Oana Voda, The risk of requalification of land concessions into works concession”, Revista Romana de Achizitii Publice, & Arena Constructiilor 2019

Oana Voda, The concept of public law organism in view of national and European law”, Revista Romana de Achizitii Publice, 2019

Oana Voda, Draft bill introducing major changes to the Romanian public procurement legislation, Arena Constructiilor, 2019

Oana Voda, Is the New PPP Legislation Giving a Boost to Infrastructure Projects?”, Mondaq, 2018

Oana Voda, Market consultations in the new public procurement directives: legal basis, limitations and scope, EPPPL – European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, volume 11 (2016)

Oana Voda, Stretching the limits for innovative and sustainable public procurement – Innovative and sustainable clothing for hospitals as a showcase for innovative procurement in healthcare, The Economics of Legal Relationships 1st edition (2015)

Oana Voda, Envisaged changes regarding public procurement legislation and the impact thereof on the business environment, Financial Market magazine, November 2012

Oana Voda, Implementation of large infrastructure projects under the current legislative framework, Financial Market magazine, September 2012

Oana Voda, Contributor to the drafting of position papers by AmCham regarding the public procurement and the new PPP law, 2010 – 2011

Oana Voda, A Practical Guide to Public-Private Partnership in Europe – The Romanian Chapter”, co-author, published by City & Financial Publishing, 2008