
Performance Evaluation Services for the Management and Implementation of PODCA (Administrative Capacity Development Operational Program), 2014-2015, (Evaluation Expertise). The study provided Romanian Government with information on the implementation of the Administrative Capacity Development Operational Program with a specific highlight on performance measurement.

Impact Assessment of POR (Regional Operational Program) 2014-2015, Research and evaluation expertise. The study provided Romanian Government with information on the impact of  the implementation of the Administrative Capacity Development Operational Program with a specific highlight on counterfactual impact assessment.

Needs assessment and simplification and rationalization objectives analysis of administrative procedures for the documents for 2014-2020 programming period, (Research and evaluation expertise). This study is an in-depth analysis regarding simplification and rationalization objectives of administrative procedures for the documents for 2014-2020 programming period.

Analysis of Value of Placemaking Elements, 2013-2014, Research and evaluation coordination for Romania (joint research and evaluation project with Michigan State University (MSU) Land Policy Institute (LPI)

Increasing quality in Public Administration master programs, POSDRU (strategic project), 2010-2013, Research and evaluation expertise

Graduate program in Public Administration Management, PODCA, 2009-2011, Research and evaluation expertise