Acasă » ANUNTURI » Premiu international obținut de un cadru didactic DAMP

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20150303_152041 ed
Antreprenoriat POSDRU
20150303_152122 ed
Antreprenoriat POSDRU
Dezbatere CCI 2019_3

Premiu international obținut de un cadru didactic DAMP

Profesorul Departamentului de Administrație și Management Public și decanul FSPAC Călin Hintea a primit Premiul Internațional de Administrație Publică 2023 al Societății Americane pentru Administrație Publică. Mai multe detalii aici


Public Administration Professor and FSPAC dean Calin Hintea receives the 2023 American Society for Public Administration’s International Public Administration Award
The International Public Administration Award honors individuals and organizations that contribute to the field of public administration internationally. It is given to an individual who holds citizenship in a nation other than the United States; lives and works in a nation other than the United States; and contributes significantly to the field of public administration as a scholar, practitioner or both – as demonstrated by publications, awards, honors and testimony by the recipient’s colleagues and beneficiaries of the recipient’s work. In selecting prof. Hintea for this award, the ASPA committee was impressed by his pioneering efforts to modernize and elevate public administration education in Eastern Europe. They were also impressed by his efforts to foster productive connections in the region and globally.
Professor Hintea currently serves as the president of NISPAcee – The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe. This award was also granted to NISPAcee.
We congratulate prof. Hintea for this award as well as his long-lasting contribution to the field of PA education in Romania, CEE region and globally.